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Oxygen scavenger
Our "Negamold®" product lineup now includes the Ethanol-free absorber.
Ethanol evaporation + oxygen scavenger
This quality preservation agent with two functions of an Ethanol evaporation agent and oxygen absorber, offers the highest bacteriostatic effect on microorganisms, including measures that eliminate packet swelling due to fermentation.
Ethanol evaporation + oxygen scavenger
This quality preservation agent is characterized by maintaining the "softness" and "moistness" of foods in addition to the bacteriostatic function on microorganisms and antioxidant function.
Machinery of Food Preservatives
Water Activity Meter
Highly accurate water activity measurements can be made by simple operation. Equipped with a color touch panel for improved operability.
Ethanol evaporation agent
This quality preservation agent is made from powderized Ethanol with use of a special technology based on our formulation technology and filled in packets.
Ethanol evaporation agent
Antimold® Tender
The world's first quality preservation agent using gel Ethanol that uses a low concentration of Ethanol so that foods are wrapped with a slight scent.
Ethanol evaporation agent
This environmentally friendly ethanol evaporation agent using plant-based biodegradable resin in its packets for the first time in the industry.