What is a food preservative?

Have you ever noticed the packet included when you buy snacks at a shop?
This packet is a “food preservative.”
You can enjoy snacks, bread, and other foods, with peace of mind because of this packet packaged together.

There are many causes for food deterioration, and the use of food preservatives prevents deterioration.

Causes for food deterioration

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Light
  • Microorganisms

Relationship between influential factors and shelf life

Factor Long shelf life Short shelf life
Environment Temperature Low High
Humidity Low High
Light Weak Strong
Oxygen concentration Low High
Ingredient Water Activity Low High
pH Low (High) Neutral
Microorganisms Initial bacterial count Small Large
Packaging Packaging film Highly gas barrier Low gas barrier
Gas displacement Present Absent
Ethanol gas High concentration Low concentration

What is water activity (Aw)?

There are two main types of water contained in foods: “free water” and “bound water.”
“Free water,” easily evaporates and migrates, and can be used to propagate microorganisms.
“Bound water” binds to proteins and carbohydrates in foods.
Water activity is expressed as a numerical value showing the amount of “free water” and is an indicator of preservability of foods.

* The water activity value is defined as the relative humidity on the surface of foods.

Free water
Contained water

As an example, jam is a food containing a high moisture content, but its water activity is not so high because much of the water is bound to sugar.
On the other hand, white bread is fairly high in water activity because it contains little sugar and salt.

ジャムより食パンのほうがWater ActivityがHigh

The EZ-200, which enables high-precision and short-time measurements and includes a color touch panel, is the only made-in-Japan water activity meter.

             Water Activity Meter

FREUND’s food preservatives

FREUND’s food preservatives that prevent the deterioration of foods are broadly divided into three types.

Ethanol evaporation agent

Ethanol gas is subject to evaporation in sealed packaging to prevent the growth of mold and also retain “softness” and “moistness” of foods.

Ethanol evaporation agent + Oxygen absorber

The strongest bacteriostatic effect is exerted by combining the two functions.

Oxygen absorber

Oxygen in sealed packaging is absorbed to prevent the growth of mold and also prevent deterioration by oxidation.

Food preservatives should be used in accordance with the foods used and the purpose.

Ethanol evaporation agent Ethanol evaporation agent + Oxygen absorber Oxygen absorber
Inhibitory effects on fungi and bacteria Mold  ✓✓
Yeast  Fair
Bacteria  Fair
Mold  ✓✓
Yeast  ✓
Bacteria  ✓
Mold  ✓✓
Yeast  Fair
Bacteria  Fair
Softness/moistness ✓✓ -(Poor)
Antioxidant effect -(Poor) ✓✓ ✓✓

Quality Preservation Effect (Example)

  • Muffin


    Introduction to the quality preservation effect of Antimold-Mild® on plain-wrap muffin

    Practical example
  • Pound cake

    Pound cake

    Introduction to the quality preservation effect of Antimold-Mild® on plain-wrap pound cake

    Practical example
  • Chiffon cake

    Chiffon cake

    Introduction to the quality preservation effect of Antimold-Mild® on a plain-wrap chiffon cake

    Practical example
  • Bagel


    Introduction to the quality preservation effect of Antimold-Mild® on a plain-wrap bagel

    Practical example


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